Filler Aesthetics
Filler Aesthetics is important in the removal of wrinkles and collagen reduction in the skin over time as a result of sun, gravity, age, and smoking. And when this process is not intervened, the amount of fat in the facial area decreases and the position of the fat changes, so the facial skin begins to sag. The resulting sags and pits are corrected by filler aesthetics. In order to simplify filler aesthetics, it is the reinforcement process to the region with lack of volume. But this is only a simplified description; The effect of filler aesthetics on the area vary according to the type and structure of the filler used and of course its quality.
Facial filler aesthetics is said the equivalent of the rejuvenating effect of the wrinkle remover on the upper face in the lower face region. And when “passive wrinkles “, which I have mentioned before, cannot be eliminated by wrinkle removal, are combined with the facial filler, we will obtain a correction of up to 100%.
Although it is quite popular and has quite successful results in recent years, it is a very prejudiced process for our people due to the fact that many non-physicians are involved in this issue.
How long is the Permanence of Filler Aesthetics?
I want to enlighten you about the duration of filler before giving more detailed information. After the filler is injected into the area, it is integrated into the structure under our skin and some chemical reactions start. This is the phase of metabolism of the filler, and this phase begins at the time of the filler injection. It varies between 9 months and 3 years depending on the quality and structure of the filler.
The other process affecting the chemical process is the mechanical process. That is, whether or not the filler area is mobile. For example; It is not very correct to wait for the same durations for the lip and the filler to the nasolabial area or to the forehead area. As the lip is a mobile region, the dissolution period of the lip filler is shorter than in other areas.
Another factor that affects the dissolution time of the filler is the person’s lifestyle. For people with sleep disorders, cigarette smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, the efficiency of the filler inevitably decreases. When a quality filler is used, the permanence period under optimal conditions is 9-18 months and this period varies from person to person.
What Should We Pay Attention To While Having Filler Aesthetics?
The first thing you should pay attention to while having filler aesthetics is whether there is a hygienic environment and whether the person who will perform the application is a plastic surgeon or a dermatologist. When the application is carried out by persons out of authorized specialist doctors, you may experience unintended results.
Another point you should pay attention to while having the filler aesthetics is ‘whether or not the filler injector has just been take out from its packaging!’ I explain this that is why the quality filler means expensive filler and therefore the person may want to use half of the 1 ml syringe to you and half of it to another patient. The reason for this is to lower the costs and therefore to process cheaper than it deserves. If the filler is new, after filling procedure, please ask for the barcode number of the filler or request the remaining amount. (I am opening the filler material in front of my patients, and if there is a remaining amount, I will give the patient for the touch-up procedure within 15-20 days)
Why is this important? If the remaining of the filler is used to another patient, the other patient may be infected even if the tip of the syringe has been changed. This is an application that puts your health at risk.
Which Regions Can The Filler Treatment Be Applied To? How Is Its Amount Calculated?
The filler can be injected into any area (face, body, leg, etc.) which is inadequate in volume. Although the most popular applications are lip and sadness lines (nasolabial trough and marionette lines), volume injection treatment can be applied to each area carefully.
What is noteworthy is the patient’s wish and the amount to be used is determined according to the patient’s wishes. For example, the applied amount for lip filler is not the same for each patient. While the lip volume of some patients is adequate, the contour part isn’t noticeable, and the amount of filler used for contour augmentation and the amount required to volume injection are not the same. For some patients, while 1 ml of filler is sufficient to give the desired result, some patients may require 2 ml or more. Your doctor and you can give the best decision.
How Is Lip Augmentation Treatment Applied?
With aging, loss of volume and thinning of the dermis layer in the lip area, and flattening of the lip contour occur. The authorized practitioner should consider these changes to apply lip augmentation.
Patient’s wishes need to be at the forefront while applying lip augmentation. When you look in the mirror, how a lip structure makes you happy, you must first make this decision. After you decide, if the anatomical and medically appropriate thing is required, the necessary amount is calculated and the lip augmentation process is started.
Local anesthesia can be applied with a cream or injection during lip augmentation. Lip augmentation treatment is not a painful procedure and it lasts for 30-40 minutes.
What should be considered while applying lip augmentation;
After lip augmentation, lips should be in width and volume appropriate for face structure
Appropriate balance of lower lip and upper lip
The most important is that it should look natural and not lift the lip too much (but some patients may request this, in such a case the lifting process can be done).
The lip contour must be noticeable after lip augmentation, so your lip is brighter and fuller when lipstick is applied.
Lip Augmentation Recovery Period
While performing lip augmentation, I am performing a treatment with my patients interactively, so I get my patient’s opinion at every stage and help him see the change.
What should be considered after lip augmentation;
After the treatment, edema can occur and last 2-3 days, in this case, warm compresses can be made.
After the treatment, it is recommended to massage on the application area with antibiotic creams.
After the treatment, I tell the patient to avoid very hot, very cold foods and beverages and what she/he will pay attention if she/he smokes.
There is no rule that every patient will have edema after lip augmentation. However, edema is not an indication that something is going wrong. The important thing is what you should do in such a situation. When edema occurs after lip augmentation, your doctor will tell you about this.
In the first 30 days after the lip augmentation is performed, there may be clumping on the lip line in the adherence phase of the filler. In such a case, you can distribute clumps by gentle massage to this area.
How Long Does the Permanence of Lip Augmentation Last?
Permanence duration of lip augmentation varies from person to person but lasts for 9-12 months. But this does not mean that it will not dissolve until the 9th; Since the lip is a moving region, it begins to metabolize quickly and the process of dissolving takes for 9 months. In other words, there will be a difference between your lip volume in the 4th month and in the 8th month. You have noticed that many practitioners do not tell you about it, even though this may demoralize you. Fortunately, the fillers for the lip augmentation and the other area are not completely lost, and 10% of it remains, and in every repetition, this residual effect accumulates to make your lip never return to before.
The permanence duration of lip augmentation is also closely related to the quality of the filler and the average lip augmentation permanence duration is 8-9 months.
How Is the Nasolabial Fold (Sadness Line) Augmentation Performed?
The area called the nasolabial region is the region that separates the nose region and the upper lip from the cheek and increases the depth of the face due to aging and the weight loss-gain, one of the aging signs of the face. Nasolabial region augmentation is one of the facial rejuvenation steps and it is a region from which very good results are obtained when it is done in the competent hands.
There are many methods for nasolabial region augmentation (sadness line). I am using double filler method. With this method, I provide the cheek area to be more stretched and relatively lifted. The complete removal of the nasolabial region (sadness lines) is not absolutely a goal and can in no way be a natural practice. The main goal is to soften the transition in the nasolabial region and to reduce the current depth. This should be agreed between the patient and the doctor by discussing very well. If you misinform the patient and give them in unnecessary expectations, you also make the patient unhappy.
The amount of filler used according to the depth of the nasolabial region (sadness lines) varies and 2 ml is sufficient for the correction of a mid-depth nasolabial region in the middle age group.
Nasolabial region augmentation (sadness line) technique is completely different from lip augmentation and I highly recommend you to get help from experienced people and experts. For the desired result; the practitioner should make adequate and quality filler as necessary and should not mislead the patient.
Permanence duration of nasolabial augmentation is longer than lip augmentation and lasts an average of 12-18 months if it is quality and adequate filler. Like lip augmentation, all of the filler does not dissolve. A certain part remains and plays the role of therapeutic properties in repetitive applications.
Is Augmentation Treatment Applied on Tear Trough and for the Cheekbone Augmentation?
The cheekbone, cheek area, and tear trough can be augmented easily. The purpose of the filler for augmentation of the cheekbone is to increase the stretching of the area by providing a lifting effect on the face area. The augmentation permanence duration is approximately the same as the nasolabial region and there are my patients with permanence up to 24 months. However, it is important to note that it is an average of 12-18 months.
The cheekbone augmentation treatment can be applied with filler or permanent implants. The filler of the cheekbone is more intense and more permanent than the fillers used in other regions.
You need to be very careful when filling the tear trough; If inexperienced and unqualified people perform your operation, you may be left alone with 2 masses in the left and right of your tear trough for about 9 months. The reason of this; Filler is not injected into the right area and we do not want to encounter such a case.
How is the Filler Applied to Other Areas of the Body?
Filler applications are not performed only on the face, can be applied in many parts of the body. The most common areas except the face are the regions of buttocks, breast area and back of thighs. Special fillers with different persistence and content are used for patients in need of filler on these areas. The reason is that the areas larger in volume is being filled. Therefore, the effect of volume should be higher. The filler applications are performed in order to augment the breasts, to lift the buttocks and to fill pitting areas formed due to reasons such as trauma, burn, etc. on other parts of the body.
Is There A Permanent Filler?
There is no permanent filler, unfortunately, but there are long-lasting fillers that have higher permanence lasting between 2-4 years; since these fillers have a risk of side effects, it is not used too much on the facial area. However, fillers are used to give volume to the buttocks, leg and breast areas.
Are There Side Effects of the Fillers?
Due to the synthetic components in filler materials, they can rarely make allergic reactions. In such a case, a treatment process lasting about 2-4 weeks is required and is not very common. However, if the filler has been applied to you in very poor quality, very cheap and non-hygienic place, you will experience the side effects of the filler. Another undesirable condition is edema and bruises. They disappear completely in 2-7 days.
If the filler is injected more than necessary or to the wrong layer, the death of tissue called necrosis occurs due to the failure of blood supply. In such a case, that area and the filler must be surgically removed.
An experienced specialist understands whether tissue death will occur after filler treatment and saves you from this situation with an early intervention that needs to be done within the first 2-4 hours. However, when you encounter people who are not competent about this issue, you may experience sad situations.
Infection may develop in the treated area. In such a case, you may need to use antibiotics. Don’t let all this information depress you. Because when you have filler aesthetics applied in the right areas, it is very unlikely that they will happen to you.
Who Cannot Have Filler Aesthetics?
The conditions that are not suitable for filler aesthetics are:
The conditions of the depressed immune system
In pregnant and breastfeeding women
In people who have herpes, acne or an active infection in the filling area.
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